Acronym: Atletico Acreano |
Name: Atlético Acreano |
Address: – |
Phone: – |
Uniform: Blue shirt with a white stripe, blue shorts and blue socks |
- 7 times Acreano champion (1952, 1953, 1962, 1968, 1987, 1991 and 2016). |
Founded in: April 27, 1952 |
President: Edson Izidorio |
Vice-President: – |
Term of office: – |
Information: |
Mascot: Rooster Carijó. |
History Atlético Acreano was founded on April 27, 1952, under the name "Beiruth", by Syrian-Lebanese businessmen. Among them were Augusto Hidalgo de Lima, Foch Jardim, Roberto Sanches Mubárac, Lourival Pinho, Ildemar Pereira de Lima (Tarzan), Goldwasser Pereira SantosSílvio Ferrante, Mário D'Avila Maciel, Rufino Farias Vieira, Fenando Andrade Pessoa, among others. Several other families have played important roles and are part of the club's history, as Diógenes, Pinho, Ribeiro, Frota and Patriota. With great values, Atlético began to dominate the Second District - which was to would have been the true capital of Acre, had it not been for the administrative shenanigans (changing Penápolis for Rio Branco and vice versa). Because of the passion that the blue and white team caused, it soon received the slogan "glory of a people, pride of a city". |
Read also: Independence